Friday 27 November 2009

Car prices new energy scheme

Car prices new energy scheme

Guangzhou Motor Show in this "new energy" cars and "green" slogan has been widely dell laptop battery demonstrated. Technology, no matter how advanced, the end, only to adapt to the market in order to win. History of the development from cars, to the emergence of Internet technology, a good business without than in product innovation, marketing, service, keeping up with market pace, to meet the market demand.

According to statistics, in 2008 China's total car sales of new energy 9881, the market share of passenger cars account for only 0.2% of total sales. Among them, a total of 2617 on the licensing of vehicles, made cars FAW Toyota Prius 610, Shanghai GM Buick LaCrosse 313, imported cars Honda Civic 33, a total of 1661 Lexus. While China's own brand has served on the Olympic Games Chang'an Jie Xun and Chery A5BSG, has not officially on sale.

Entered in 2009, China's auto market than the United States officially became the world's largest automotive market. The new energy vehicles are still just business keep up the banner of environmental protection. Such as the Toyota Prius as a more mature production of new energy vehicles in China for one year, only the output of more than 2,000 cars.

New energy vehicles "green" road

In this reality, the industry Laptop Battery there have been many voices to reflect the new energy vehicles. Zhao, vice president of Shanghai New Energy-pass in an article referred to "in the Chinese market, the promotion of new energy vehicles keep on fighting and struggling. For new energy vehicles, it should encourage the development, but be careful to promote."

China's auto industry in recent years, rapid growth, consumer policy has played an important guiding role. 2009 purchase tax by half, "car to the countryside" and the Trade-three policy, driving private cars on China's huge consumption potential in the financial crisis, under the domestic automobile production and sales achieved in 2009 up by 30 to 40 per month % of an increase.

If a series of foster policy into the acquisition of new energy vehicles, the lower the acquisition of new energy vehicles and the use of the cost of new Latitude D820 energy sources will play a fast car market leveraging role in promoting China's new energy to accelerate the growth of the automobile industry.

In early 2009 to promote energy conservation and new energy vehicles scale, industrialization, the Ministry of Finance jointly issued a circular of Science and Technology in Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Changchun, Dalian, Hangzhou, Jinan, Wuhan, Shenzhen, Hefei, Changsha, Kunming , Nanchang and other cities in 13 energy-saving and new energy vehicle demonstration and extension of experimental work, plans four years, the central and local financial subsidies in the form of fiscal policy to encourage public transportation, rental, service, sanitation and postal and other public services, take the lead in promoting the use of energy-saving and new energy vehicles, to promote the use of units to buy energy-saving and new energy vehicles TD175 grant basis.

This policy focused on "energy-saving emission reduction," "strengthen the fuel-efficient energy-saving work" and "focus on breakthroughs in restricting the key to industrial transformation and upgrading technology to carefully cultivate a number of strategic industries," the spirit of strategic decision-making for the expansion of automobile consumption, to speed up industrial restructuring vehicles. Specific subsidies strategy is to focus on the acquisition of the central finance energy-saving and new energy vehicles will provide subsidies to local governments focus on the relevant supporting facilities construction and maintenance grant basis.

Relevant departments also push the prices of local action. It is reported that in the period from 2010 to 2015, the Guangzhou people purchase to meet the requirements of new energy vehicles will be expected to enjoy the relief for years of votes, the purchase tax by half, halving the travel tax, parking and tolls subsidy PC764 concessions.

China need to pay attention to things as "opportune," the prosperity of auto market at the moment seem even more bleak new energy vehicles and remote, which is in fact implicit in the timing of the bedding. "2009 years of China's auto market blowout prosperity, although not seemingly has nothing to do with the new energy vehicles, but it actually stand for the car to the direction of the development of new energy vehicles have laid a favorable foundation" SCAS that the company's responsible person WANG Zi-Hou .

The market is the standard test

The new energy vehicles and agreed upon the direction of 312-0386 the market, capital is also pursuing a variety of ways this hot. A variety of car prices forces, take this chance to the integration of resources, are attempts to seek a place for new energy vehicles. But the market participation of any party, from the multinational, joint ventures, state-owned enterprises, private enterprises and other vehicles, regardless of which side of the layout of the new energy markets in the short term does not mean that profits and market opportunities, risks and opportunities are always co-exist.

Cell vehicles, fuel vehicles, diesel vehicles, strictly speaking, are not emerging source of energy. China issued on the car new energy-related provisions, the new types of energy carried out a detailed plan, which is from the perspective of industrial policy planning considerations. However, from a realistic point of view, regardless of whether the technology already exists, can meet the future automotive market, the trend of environmental protection requirements, is the development trend of new energy vehicles the ultimate response.

From the essence of view, the community has been reached on the development of new energy vehicles scientific knowledge and political awareness on the basic consensus, at this stage the reality of new energy vehicles hit hard, in the final economic interests of the cognitive disharmony. This is one of the economic benefits, including the internal combustion engine as the core of the traditional automobile industry developed chain stakeholders, new energy vehicles more open chain of the emerging automobile industry stakeholders, consumers in the purchase of new Latitude D620 energy vehicles the cost borne by the individual and social benefit of the public nature of these are subject to competition in the market gradually unity and resolve. Solve these problems in the development of new energy vehicles will be an inevitable move toward consciousness, the unconscious into clear from the vague and promoting China's automobile industry to seize the high ground.

The beginning of 2009, with new energy car-related stocks were active, the new Huaguang (23.40, -0.17, -0.72%), Huadian Power International (5.38, -0.18, -3.24%), Anhui BBCA Biochemical Co. (8.10,0.10, 1.25%), MACRO (10.11, -0.55, -5.16%), Huitong Group (7.60, -0.10, -1.30%), and other enterprises have investment and new energy automotive industry. GM, Ford, Toyota, Volkswagen and other auto industry, leading enterprises have carried out industrial restructuring, eliminating gas-guzzling brands and products, to energy-saving and new energy vehicles as an enterprise product development a top priority; automobile market hybrid cars to become hot sale, RC107 Toyota's hybrid cars as new car sales champions; technology research, General Motors, Toyota, Volkswagen and other vehicle companies and Sanyo, Toshiba, Samsung and other electronics companies formed a coalition of electric vehicles work together to research the key to new energy vehicles technology; market applications, the Shanghai Volkswagen Passat hydrogen fuel cell area and Chang'an Jie Xun hybrid has been successfully providing services for the 2008 Olympic Games.

Is not just companies compete for opportunities of new energy vehicles. Local governments in planning not far behind. March 13, 2009, Beijing set up the first new energy automotive industry alliance, and began construction industrial base, Chongqing, Jilin and other publicly stated plans to build similar alliances and bases, Shenzhen, Hubei, Anhui and other places also indicated that local automobile enterprises (BYD, Dongfeng, Chery) as the main body, the establishment of new energy vehicles Union and the industrial base.

Are numerous historical experience shows that technological change and innovation is the driving force of social development. Y9943 Technology, no matter how advanced, the end, only to adapt to the market in order to win. History of the development from cars, to the emergence of Internet technology, a good business without than in product innovation, marketing, service, keeping up with market pace, to meet the market demand.

As the market environment changes, more emerging forces will be more flexible way to join this new energy vehicles in the competitive high ground of the chase. In the real market is not hot circumstances, the Guangzhou Motor Show is still on display a lot of new energy concept cars and the upcoming production of new energy vehicles, and attracting a wide range of concerns, indicating the major manufacturers making consumers spend much cultivation, together the market big expectation.

This competition for new energy vehicles, not the end-market demand for launch, but the final maturity will continue to return to the market as measured by the standard lines. Automobile enterprise is able to successfully shift the concept of applications and services, to offer more competitive new products, provide perfect after-sales service, more flexible business response capacity, more powerful brand of tension, etc., will be determine whether the this new transformation to obtain the necessary elements of a place. In this way, eventually to develop a more standardized and marketization of the new energy vehicle market, benign China's auto market continued long-term success and viability. While new energy sources has been Inspiron 640m recognized as the general direction of the automotive industry, but a large number of early stage R & D investment, the uncertain policy direction of technological development, business competition in the market will continue to be fierce and cruel.

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