Thursday 10 September 2009

Cottage machine is now hidden more than an embarrassing battery equivalent regulatory grenade

Cottage machine is now hidden more than an embarrassing battery equivalent regulatory grenade

Recently, the Guangzhou phone explosion occurred, the parties carotid artery was severed and bleeding died on the spot. According to informed sources, the incident Laptop Battery have been placed on the deceased before the cell phone chest pocket, and the brand laptops, not in the state of charge, but the fierce source "cell" is original is not clear. There are members of the public suspect that the deceased used the "cottage laptop." The Police are actively investigating the matter, Bureau of Quality Supervision also expressed concern.

Low-cost, powerful, but also do personalized designs ... ... reporters in Beijing in the past few days several major sales market twisted my cell phone and found the Spring Festival market, sales of laptops cottage really hot. "A cottage a few hundred A42-A3 block of cell phone, with a year or so, and on the ways before getting on the new." This is probably an important reason why cottage phone hot.

Not long before, the Ministry of circular letter to the implementation of public mobile IMEI number of the registration verification management policies, its affiliated telecommunications terminal Testing Technology Association (TAF) issued to domestic laptop manufacturers IMEI identification number, with the identification number of the phone before they can be GSM / UMTS networks. This has been a lot of the media interpreted as a letter to the Department of Public cottage machine began to start with, after the cottage where the laptop, since there is no IMEI identification number will be unable to network. But until now, this interpretation of the cottage in the hot cell phone market now before the somewhat awkward.

On the cottage or a laptop amnesty exterminate, has been a test of the relevant government regulatory agencies, handset manufacturers are the BTP-ARJ1 wisdom of communications operators.

Experts, the explosive power of infinite power beyond the standard

In fact, "inexpensive" machine is far from the cottage looks so beautiful for ordinary consumers, the safety of laptops can not be ignored, but this is precisely what the cottage machine's weak spots. In many cases, cottage irresponsible hype machine so many consumers are often tempted. With standby time, for example, some cottage machine claimed that super-capacity battery. Standby time of up to one month, this really true?

"laptop battery capacity the greater the use of standby BTP-AQJ1 time with the longer, the normal capacity of the battery should be 800 to 1200mAh, we have a cottage on the laptop battery has been tested, which indicated the battery capacity of 8800mAh, more than the standard 10 times, if this is true, once the battery explosion, its power with a hand grenade is no different. "specialized mobile test facility in China Academy of Telecommunication Research CTTL an engineer, today accepted the Legal Daily reporters are very sure that . "Post-tested that this section cottage laptop battery has a capacity of 880mAh, only one-tenth of its marked capacity. In fact, with today's technology level, would like to make a 8800mAh capacity cell phone batteries, simply impossible."

Another example is overlooked by more ordinary laptop electromagnetic compatibility. Many cottage machine in pursuit of the signal is good, cell phone power transfer will be large, the cost of doing so is to make laptop radiation has also increased significantly, which would harm the user. Obviously, if from a professional point of view, cottage machine problems can not be ignored, may BTP-APJ1 cause adverse effects are terrible. The information in this regard is precisely the ordinary consumers lack.

Is technically difficult to encircle and suppress them is not difficult to implement

Many people may ask, given that this cell phone IMEI code ID, then the relevant government departments to solve the problem seems to cottage phone is not difficult, simply authenticated

IMEI code published online, and to force out illegal IMEI code you can. However, a communications industry trade has said that the idea could not be achieved at present.

According to reports, has been to rely on my cell phone users are not network IMEI code, but the direct use of network access phone number, IMEI number through the phone close up right now in our country is not feasible, because in our implementation of the

IMEI code is very difficult to manage. If the system of Aspire 1300 laptop IMEI code control, then we need real-name system, as well as with the laptop SIM card together with the control in order to build laptop application security security system. This is technically no problem to operate, but it gave great inconvenience to the general laptop users later want to change your phone or change numbers will be extremely troublesome.

In addition, in accordance with the current division of the relevant government departments, IMEI code owned by the Ministry of Public Sector Management letter, while the real-name system and the management of SIM cards has become the main public security departments and communications operators, and how to coordinate the operation of several departments will be very tedious . If the only phone in order to destroy the cottage and so clumsy and obvious cost too much. May even have adverse effects on the cell phone market, which is also the operators do not want to see.

Enlisted the government does not appreciate the efforts of practitioners

"There is a market, they illustrate the necessity and LCBTP03003 rationality of our existence." Machine cottage industry in a number of officers in the eyes, cottage machines contributed to the prosperity of the laptop market. Today's cottage machine industry chain is already very mature, and each link has a different manufacturers in the participation of a cottage may be caused by cell phone manufacturers to do out on the 100. "A conservative estimate, the current PRD as a whole cottage industry chain machine more than 200,000 people employed, and the enterprises of more than 3,000." Although this group of practitioners from the cottage without the authority of the data emanating from within the confirmation, but in a way has been largely reflects the current market, the objective situation cottage machine.

In fact, the regulatory authorities have already noted this point, authorities do not exterminate blindly to suppress the main, and even have introduced initiatives to attempt to "amnesty." It is understood that for the cottage to make network maker made the views of high cost of test, last year in August, public letter to the Department announced plans to reduce laptop test costs, and shorten TravelMate 4500 the test time, want to move as soon as possible so that cottage machine regularized, but the result was, and is not ideal.

"Cottage plane was not too 'regularization fee' high, but simply do not want to pay this 'regularization fee'. Got all that money be better spent on himself, as soon as possible to produce cottage machine market needs." 1 do not want to disclose the names of people who respect the industry.

More industry analysis, with the issuance of 3G licenses, the major domestic carriers will focus on the development of mobile wireless Internet, business, and has always been the market demand as the starting point of the cottage will be turned to a more powerful mobile Internet laptop production, to win over new consumer groups. As such, cottage laptop market is not only still exists, there is the possibility of extension.

On the one hand to the industry regulator and the market Aspire 1410 development has brought a certain degree of trouble, on the other hand satisfy the needs of consumers. Can not lock on a witch hunt and can not successfully enlisted obediently toe the line, cottage laptop, really give the regulators out of a sort of a small problem. But from the perspective of a market economy, administrative directives to be compatible with the market means that this point is beyond doubt.

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