Friday 11 September 2009

Laptop batteries have to say that the secret of

Laptop batteries have to say that the secret of

Some time ago APPLE, DELL, SONY, HP and other international well-known PC giants have emerged in the M6091 notebook battery recall problems and the original? Today I would like to extend the topic to a number of laptop battery knowledge to share with you?

Why do books The more you use the battery power consumption less? Why do battery calibration feature makes capacity to restore part? How is the correct battery charger? All this from the start with the calculation of battery power ... ...

Whether it has been eliminated nickel-metal hydride batteries, now used in lithium-ion battery, or not commonly lithium polymer batteries, or even tomorrow's stars of the silver-zinc batteries, are the equivalent of a warehouse storing electricity, the difference is that they access library approach, the storage capacity only. In the notebook computer batteries, as well as a large responsible for managing these batteries housekeeper - power computing chips, which is the management of A1148 battery, computing power, is responsible for charging and discharging of the "responsible person."

In the measurement of battery technology, there are four kinds of common method, but not books of different brands of batteries using only one method of calculating power consumption are usually several ways to use an integrated, in one of the main method of calculating The remaining auxiliary calculation means to achieve the computing power to manage. The first is the open circuit voltage measurement method, this method is by measuring the battery voltage in the stationary state values to calculate the remaining battery capacity, but because of stationary lithium-ion battery voltage and remaining capacity of the relationship between Laptop Battery the non-linear, Therefore, this method is not an accurate measurement of the value of the vast majority of cell phone batteries have adopted this method of calculation; the second is called Coulomb's method of calculation, the method is by measuring the battery charge and discharge current, the current value and time value of the After the product is calculated by integrating the batteries into the battery charge and the release of electricity, Coulomb's method of calculation is a more accurate method of calculating power; third is to impedance measurement method, it is by measuring the resistance within the battery get the battery remaining capacity value; The fourth is a comprehensive look-up table method, by setting a related table, the voltage, current, temperature and other parameters input, you can check the A1078 battery's remaining capacity to be.

Thus, apart from the internal structure of the battery batteries, there are management chip, the chip contains one or two of them measuring method of calculating capacity batteries, and a set of charge and discharge protection circuit. Among the notebooks in the system, through the driver interface access to this chip, and then set the battery management.

So, why the battery would be more you use less electricity, but the implementation of the correction function can restore the battery capacity of a part of it? A1079 Laptop batteries are generally the so-called six-pin power, 4-pin power, refers to the number of battery cells within the batteries. So many batteries together, that is, the less electricity more you use the fundamental reasons: batteries and the batteries between the quality of discharge can not be exactly the same level, such as discharge, in which a substantial reduction in power batteries, In order to maintain voltage stability, battery management chip will follow "casks principle", according to the worst of that energy-saving core to charge protection, battery charge will naturally decline, the impact is even more than the battery irreversible Institute of Chemical Physics change.

Battery calibration function is to balance the multiple batteries, the battery because of their resistance can not be completely consistent, the battery will be great resistance bear strong current, leading to their own consumption more than other M8244 batteries, but also easier to wear and tear, therefore, on a regular basis to do the battery calibration is necessary - so as to balance the burden of multi-cell "work", thus extending the overall life expectancy.

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