Friday 16 October 2009

Rechargeable alkaline zinc-manganese batteries

Rechargeable alkaline zinc-manganese batteries

Rechargeable alkaline zinc-manganese Tecra 9000 batteries (rechargeable alkaline zinc-manganese battery) can be obtained through the repeated use of a rechargeable alkaline zinc-manganese batteries improved for short RAM. The kinds of cell structure and manufacturing process is basically the same with the alkaline zinc-manganese batteries.

To achieve rechargeable, the batteries in alkaline zinc-manganese battery has been improved on the basis of: ① to improve the cathode structure and improve the positive ring strength or adding additives, adhesives, to prevent the cathode during charge and discharge occurs when the swelling; ② through the cathode doping to enhance the reversibility of manganese Tecra 8100 dioxide; ③ controlled amount of zinc negative electrode active material, the control of manganese dioxide can only be an electronic discharge; ④ improved isolation layer to prevent the battery charge generated when zinc dendrite penetration barrier short-circuit .

Rechargeable alkaline zinc-manganese battery charge and discharge cycle performance difference compared to conventional secondary batteries, the battery charge and discharge system on the cycle of life greatly. At present, the whole charge-discharge cycle life of only 30 times or so. Using the kinds of batteries can not be over-discharge, shallow discharge can greatly improve the battery cycle life. The battery discharge reaction and alkaline zinc-manganese Tecra 8000 batteries the same time, charge-discharge reaction occurs when the reverse reaction:

MnOOH + Zn (OH) 2 → Zn + MnO2 + H2O

Due to a shorter battery cycle life, development is restricted and the world only the United States, Canada, several companies large-scale production, China also produces such batteries, but the relatively small volume of production and exports.

Alkaline zinc-manganese batteries (alkaline zinc-manganese battery) with potassium hydroxide aqueous alkaline substance as an electrolyte, zinc-manganese batteries, zinc-manganese battery is neutral improved. The use of electrolytic manganese dioxide as cathode active material, and Satellite A75 conductive material by mixing graphite powder pressed into a ring, zinc powder as anode active material, and electrolyte and mixed gel made of paste. Structure and neutral zinc-manganese batteries On the contrary, including negative, positive outside, also known as anti-pole structure, and positive / negative isolation rooms with special paper separated.

Alkaline zinc-manganese batteries can also be made according to the needs of electric appliances cylindrical, button-shaped or square. The kinds of batteries and continuous high-current discharge performance is superior, zinc-manganese battery capacity than regular high and low temperature performance, cost performance is the highest civilian once the battery. Especially suitable for cameras, Satellite A70 and children's toys and other large-current continuous use of the apparatus. Electrochemical system, with the "L" said.

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