Tuesday 20 October 2009

Alliance to build the world's largest base of single cells

Alliance to build the world's largest base of single cells

Sichuan "Mustang" I would like electric cars become a "dark horse"

The world's largest single power-class solid-state polymer battery production base settled in Chengdu PCGA-BP4V laptop battery Shuangliu. At yesterday's Cibaud exhibition games, Sichuan Automobile Industry Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Mustangs"), executive vice president of CAO Guodong told reporters present, the company has participated in Beijing Shenzhou New Energy Technology Giant Power Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Divine giant Electric ") of lithium battery production base project. The total investment 9 billion yuan, annual output of 300,000 battery AH, will be the world's largest single solid-state polymer battery production base.

The popularity of Mustang Mini-Electric Bus

Increasingly popular in the global automotive industry, electric vehicle discussions, Mustang cars to catch up with the same trend. At yesterday's Western Fair Mustang Auto Show field, modeling and well-behaved mini-Mustang electric car by merchants Laptop Battery laptop battery and the public green


Mustang automobile executive vice president of CAO Guodong introduced Mustang at the focus in this Cibaud show mini-electric vehicles, electric buses, electric cars and other SUV several pure electric vehicles, this is five years, Mustang dedicated to the research results of new energy power .

In addition to corporate structure changes, Mustang cars also actively cooperate with the outside world, and intense manner. Mustang and foreign technical force a direct result of cooperation embodied in the electric passenger vehicles. CAO Guodong said it has already created 11-meter-long bus, quasi-containing 75 people, you can limit the actual capacity to 120 people, PCGA-BP2V laptop battery power, compared with similar electric buses have been a great change, and the traditional bus power system has been little difference.

Mustang electric bus has also set out in the market more attractive prices, lower than the general power the 50 million passenger cars

Price advantage at this Cibaud conference attracted a number of government and the PCGA-BP2R laptop battery bus company. CAO Guodong introduction, in addition to the Chengdu Municipal Government to support the purchase of 10 buses as a pilot city buses, the Mianyang, Xichang also showed interested in buying. In addition, this Cibaud conference, Dalian Development Zone, has signed a 20 electric buses purchase intention, Jiangxi, Shenzhen and some local bus companies have also demonstrated a purchase intention, Myanmar also interested in the introduction of electric buses, and will be 20, signed the first contract.

Shenzhou giant to build the largest battery electric lead Shuangliu base

Electric vehicle power issue has been PCGA-BP2T laptop battery well received by the industry doubt that a lot of electric car companies to break through technical problems, the key focus on kinetic energy to solve the battery and tried to occupy the battery supply to the industry early head start. In the context of shift in strategic focus, the Broncos to seek co-operation with the battery suppliers, and

This as a key to the success of its strategy.

According to CAO Guodong said the company has been involved in the construction of a cast Shuangliu battery production base construction. This project is a giant electricity from Beijing Shenzhou Shuangliu county signed an agreement with a total investment of 9 billion yuan, annual output of 300,000 AH, is the world's largest single power-class solid-state polymer battery production base. Companies to invest in accordance with the composition of Shenzhou giant electricity, Mustang car, Shuangliu county government and strategic investors, joint venture, to China in the main PCGA-BP2S laptop battery electricity giant.

Vice Chairman of Divine power giant, CEO Wang Gong told reporters, the southwest region has abundant mineral resources of lithium, materials able to guarantee production base, while the southwest region of the new energy market also has great market prospects. More importantly, with the production of electric vehicles the car to co-operate to ensure that product supply be met.

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